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Women's Ministry

Our women meet monthly to help one another grow in biblical knowledge and wisdom as they seek Christ together.

Vision and Purpose

Proverbs 31:29-30, Luke 1:46-47 

Our women meet regularly to fellowship and encourage one another and go deeper as women of faith. We believe strongly in the power of relationships, prayer, and biblical literacy as women navigate the practical challenges of daily life in the global city of Paris that God has placed them in for His glory.

Monthly Women’s Brunch

Each month, we gather to fellowship and study the Bible together around a potluck brunch. This year, they are studying the spiritual discipline of prayer through the guided teaching video series “When We Pray.

Schedule of Events

In addition to monthly brunches, our women connect on Friday mornings for prayer online. We also meet up in the city for coffee dates, movie viewings, museum visits and more. See below for a list of upcoming events: